Today we went hiking up on Leona Gorge. I was climbing around there and taking image with dark effect and light effect by focusing the camera in darker place to make the lens bring in more light or focus it in a lighter place like the sky for a dark effect when keeping that focus to a darker place.
Self-Star: This Image is call a Mandelbrot. We work on this program call fractal explorer. I found a nice shape image and started to zoom in to it. As I zone in, I found a star pattern. As I need zooming in, more star pattern came out. Zooming in to this image, i realize it has a self-similarity shape to it zoom out shape.
Shine Butterfly: I took this image with the focus trick i learned from my teachers. What i like about this image is that it bright enough to see the plant and also how the plant is clear while the background look blurry.
Rough: This image was taken around the Merritt College. I chose this image because of it rough edge leaf. Like most plants, this one follow an order to how it grows. Each leaf is similar to each other but as it grows, the leaf gets smaller.
Fallen..: I found this flower outside of this one school near Merritt College. I found it like it was about to die but I notice that the flower was still beautiful even went it down.
Spike Ball: This image was taken by Merritt College. I chose this image because of the shape it. The image has a simple order shape. It has a triangular shape building around to make a circular shape. This image remind me of a ball of spikes so that why I called it Spike Ball.